Telugu Marriage – Things You Need to Know About

An Andhra Wedding Andhra Pradesh is a large South Indian state with a considerable population. A majority of the Telugu population is Hindu. Every Telugu wedding starts with the selection of the mate. We may think that most of the recent marriages will be love marriages due to the freedom given to children and the usage of smartphones. But in fact, most of the weddings are arranged by the parents only. To help these parents select a perfect match for their children, many Telugu marriage bureaubrokers are out there online with matrimonial services for a minimum charge. Parents can even narrow down their search using categories like region, religion, caste, and much more. After the selection of a would-be, actual Telugu wedding rituals start. In this article, let us discuss some of the fascinating rituals of a Telugu wedding. Nischyathartham Nischyathartham is the engagement ceremony in Hindu rituals. The members of the two families will gather and decide on the marriage...